Let's put happiness to work and get the workplace humming.
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The TeamOptix Advantage
Personal Coaching.
TeamOptix’s advanced AI and people analytics power data-driven personalised learning journeys, placing individuals at the centre of their own 'learning story.'
TeamOptix’s advanced AI and people analytics power data-driven personalized learning journeys, placing individuals at the centre of their own 'learning story.' The coach is able to further personalise the experience by leveraging elements of the Coaching Evolved framework assigning coaching assignments and in-between session tasks to further support ongoing personal development. Whilst, our patented algorithms track change and performance data, providing timely feedback on the effectiveness of coaching interaction. Bringing transparency to the effectiveness of the coaching relationship and coaching ROI.
In a workplace context, we focus on 'experiential learning', applying a 70 - 20 - 10 approach. Recognising that 70% of learning takes place on the job; 20% through coaching and mentoring; and 10% through formal or more traditional training opportunities. Ultimately this means that your employees can own their development goals and trajectory. This leads to a more highly, engaged, motivated and productive individuals who are able to manage their own development and take an active part in their project teams.
Recognising that we aren't all fortunate enough to receive coaching in our workplaces, TeamOptix also provides options for personal coaching with access to world class coaching and resources at a price point that won't break the bank. Check out some of our signature offerings, from the coaching evolved framework, below.

The Coaching Evolved Framework
Personal Coaching Signature Pathways
Our life's main goals—the reasons we get out of bed in the morning—make up our life's purpose.
Purpose can help you make decisions, change how you act, set goals, give you a sense of direction, and give your life meaning. For some people, having a purpose is linked to having a vocation, which is meaningful, fulfilling work. For some people, their purpose is to take care of their family or friends. Others look for meaning in their spirituality or religion. Some people might be able to see their purpose in all of these things.
Everyone has a different purpose, and what you see as your path may be different from what other people see as theirs. Also, your purpose can shift and change over the course of your life as your priorities and experiences change and as you learn new things.
In this coaching pathway you’ll be supported to find meaning and discover your personal values, connecting them to your ‘why’ so that you can develop your own ‘how’. Whether it be in the workplace or life more generally.
Our general wellness is deeply connected to self-care. Self-care has become a popular concept in recent years, but many people are unsure what it is and why it's so important for our emotional and physical well-being.
Self-care is important if we want to be able to handle the stresses in life better and maintain a healthy balance for our mental and physical health. We are better able to live our best life if we take care of your mind and body. In this coaching pathway you’ll be supported to evaluate your current wellness and to develop a plan to further improve it.
Researchers have found that thinking positively can help us deal with stress and is also important for our health and wellbeing as a whole. It can help us feel better about ourself, make us healthier, and give us a better outlook on life as a whole.
What does it mean to have hope or think positively? You might think it means ignoring or glossing over the bad things in life and looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. But positive thinking is really about looking at life's problems in a positive way and approaching the future with a hopeful expectation of good things to come. In this coaching pathway you’ll be supported to reframe challenges and leverage your strengths to develop solutions.
Self-belief, also called self-efficacy, is the belief that we can do what we need to in order to reach our goals. If we think we can be successful, we are more likely to be successful. Whereas, our chances of success go down if we think we can't do something.
Self-belief means having enough confidence to change, but not so much that we overestimate our skills. We should be willing to learn and change, but also know what our strengths and weaknesses are so we can work on improving the areas that need it.
In this coaching pathway you’ll be supported to develop self-belief whilst also identifying strengths and areas for further development.
Emotionally intelligent individuals tend to thrive in their personal and professional relationships. Some experts argue that EQ is more pivotal to our success than cognitive intelligence or IQ.
In this coaching pathway you’ll be supported to develop greater personal and social awareness to support self-management and relationship-management.
Research shows that we are happier, healthier, and live longer if we have good relationships with family, friends, and people in their community. Being connected reduces stress and the mental and physical damage that long-term stress can create. Research even suggests that helping someone else can make both the helper and the helpee happier as the body releases hormones that make us feel less stressed and more connected.
In this coaching pathway you’ll be supported to review current relationships and build stronger networks at home or in the workplace.
The Oxford dictionary defines community mindedness as being “interested in helping the wider community; socially concerned.” From our perspective this highlights the need to take an active part in our community and to be a force for good within the community, both drawing strength from the community and making a positive contribution to the community.
Acting with community mindedness also raises the need to behave in a way that means we make decisions and take action that is beneficial to the community and that we resist the desire to behave in an overly self-centered or ‘selfish’ manner.
We believe that gratitude and its associated practices are highly related to community mindedness. Gratitude means noticing the good things in our lives and being thankful for what we have. We can feel gratitude when someone else helps us, gives us something or does something meaningful for us, but we can also feel gratitude for things like waking up each morning and having good health.
In this coaching pathway you’ll be supported to develop deeper community connections and explore ways to express gratitude.
Commitment is a critical part of developing a resilient mindset, to deal with adversity and bounce back from bad things in our life and to perform well in the workplace. Being committed means we can establish goals and achieve them without being distracted. We're good at developing successful routines and habits that see us through to achieving our objectives.
Commitment is strongly linked to goal setting and our internal motivation to follow through on our goals. Setting goals helps us consistently seek self-improvement, keeps us focused, and keeps us moving forward in life. Goals also help give us a sense of being in charge of ourself. In the end, we can't manage what we don't measure, and we can't improve something we don't properly manage. We can do all of these things and more if we set goals.
In this coaching pathway you’ll be supported to further develop a resilient mindset, set challenging growth goals and see them through to the end.
Confidence is a critical part of developing a resilient mindset, to deal with adversity and bounce back from bad things in our life and to perform well in the workplace. Real self-confidence comes from being good at what we do. We gain confidence when we are able to apply our skills and judgment effectively in real life situations. Confidence is therefore inextricably linked with a strengths-based approach to self-improvement.
A strengths-based approach allows us to do what we do best and feel at our best, providing a strong foundation from which we can address areas for self-improvement. In this coaching pathway you’ll be supported to further develop a resilient mindset through identifying strengths and building on these to address your challenges.
Concentration or focus under pressure is a critical part of developing a resilient mindset, to deal with adversity and bounce back from bad things in our life and perform in the workplace. When the mind is filled with worries, doubts, or fears instead of focusing on the task at hand, performance suffers.
The reason we ‘choke’ under pressure is deceptively simple. When we're too busy worrying about too many things and more focused on the negative impact of not succeeding than living in the moment we can't focus on doing what we need to do to succeed now.
We can significantly improve performance when we control our fears and focus in the moment. In this coaching pathway you’ll be supported to further develop a resilient mindset through understanding three common ‘mind traps’ or key drivers of our fears and developing strategies to overcome them.
Control under pressure or ‘self-regulation’ is a critical part of developing a resilient mindset, to deal with adversity and bounce back from bad things in our life and to perform well in the workplace. Self-control helps us become problem-solvers instead of victims of our circumstances. When we recognize that we can control our decisions, we feel more capable and confident.
Self-control can be explained in different ways. At its most basic, it means controlling our actions, feelings, and thoughts so we can reach your long-term goals. More specifically, emotional self-regulation is the ability to control feelings and impulses that get in the way. To put it another way, self-regulation is about developing the ability to think before we act under pressure. It is also about how we pick ourselves up after a setback and act in a way that matches our most important inner values.
In this coaching pathway you’ll be supported to develop strategies that support you to think and act appropriately in the moment.
Research shows that people who are more mindful are generally happier reporting less anxiety, symptoms of depression, anger, and worries. Mindfulness is also associated with reduced stress increased gratitude, hope, and vitality.
In this coaching pathway you’ll be supported to develop mindfulness strategies and practices.
The Coaching Evolved Blog

Effective Communication
In the fast-paced world of business, effective communication the core of successful leadership. It's the key to cultivating positive relationships, aligning teams, and navigating challenging conversations..... Read more here.

The Drama Triangle
In the fast-paced and often high-stress world of executive leadership, it's not uncommon to encounter challenging situations that test our ability to navigate conflicts effectively. When stress and pressure rise..... Read more here.

Hot & Cold Conflict
As leaders, conflict is an inevitable part of our journey. Developing effective conflict resolution skills is essential to navigate these challenges successfully..... Read more here.

Achieving Accountability
In today's fast-paced and dynamic business world, achieving accountability goes beyond just ticking off boxes. It's about fostering a culture of shared responsibility..... Read more here.
Explore how TeamOptix transformed culture at KDS.